Jul 25, 2022 - 09:44 AM
Some folks think pink looks more like purple to them however in reality, a true purple LED is really ultra-violet light and as such, is not very bright. This is why we do not offer real purple LEDs as a color option. A word of caution however when evaluating LED colors in a photograph or digital image: It is not possible to capture LED color hues and brightness levels with a digital camera and then reproduce those colors in a photograph the way the human eye sees, and the brain interprets those same colors in person. In person, the colors will appear much brighter and more vibrant. As for hues, if you're looking for purple in LEDs, pink is the closest you're going to get without going to an RGB led which allows magenta to be mixed. When it comes to LEDs, magenta is as close to purple as you can get while still being bright. Magenta however is not available in a single color. It can only be mixed using RGB leds and an RGB controller.